Week 14: 9/10 - 9/16

Weekly Summary
Resting HR: TBD
Shoe mileage: Kinsei (50), Nimbus (15)
Total Weekly Mileage: 36...

Wednesday 9/12
AM - Workout @ Stanford. 3 x (2 mile, 2 min rest, 1 mile, 4 min rest): 9:57, 4:39, 9:38, 4:45, 9:45, 4:44. This workout went a lot better than I had expected. I was more tired than usual when my alarm went off at 5:45am this morning, and the last thing I felt like was getting out of bed and doing a workout. Even during the 3 mile warmup, I felt like crap. But as soon as the workout started, I suddenly felt great. James and I pretty much ran the entire workout together, and for the first time, I think I was actually able to help push the pace. Last week I wasn't able to break 10 minutes for any of the 2-mile repeats, but this week it was actually really easy to run sub-10:00 pace. Don't ask me why... I jogged 2 miles barefoot on the grass afterwards as a cool down. My calves started to get really sore towards the end of the workout, so I saw Greg in the afternoon, and he went to town on my calves, and then I hopped in a cold whirlpool for the second time today. My calves felt even more sore after the massage, so I decided not to double today.
15 miles

Tuesday 9/11
AM - Wunderlich Park. This morning I did an 11-mile loop in Wunderlich Park. I felt pretty good today, and kept the pace honest. I think it really helped to take a rest day yesterday.

PM - Atherton. I wanted to run on trails again this afternoon, but I didn't have time to drive anywhere, so I just did the route to Atherton and back. I felt pretty good on this run as well, and kept the pace moderate.
21 miles

Monday 9/10
Rest. I was pretty tired today from last week's mileage, so I decided to take the day off. I went to the 49er's game this evening, which was a lot of fun.
0 miles


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ed, awesome workout! Will be chearing for you at the trials. Keep it up.

- Tetreault

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck this weekend

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:25 AM, Anonymous keen sandals said...

Great summary, you're doing very good. Keep it up.


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